DECLARATION of State sovereignty of the Soviet Democratic Republic of South Ossetia

The Council of People’s Deputies of the South Ossetian Autonomous Oblast, expressing the will of the people of the South Ossetia, acknowledging the responsibility to the destiny of the Ossetian nation, recognizing the undeniable right of the Ossetian people to free self-determination… declares:

The South Ossetian Autonomous Oblast as the South Ossetian Soviet Democratic Republic (SOSDR in short) within the USSR; the State sovereignty as the superiority; independence and full state power within the borders of its territory; authorization of its laws; independence of the Republic in foreign relations.


Intrinsic and necessary condition for further development of the Ossetian Soviet Democratic Republic is its full independence in decision-making on political, social and economic spheres outside the issues voluntarily rendered within the competence of the USSR after admission of the SOSDR to the USSR.  The integral rights of the South Ossetian Soviet Democratic Republic, as a sovereign State, shall be realized pursuant to the universally recognized norms of the international law.


The people of the South Ossetia are the sole source of state power in the South Ossetian Soviet Democratic Republic.

The State power of the South Ossetia shall be exercised:

- on the basis of the Constitution of the USSR and the Constitution of the South Ossetian Soviet Democratic Republic that secure the sovereignty, equality and security of the SOSDR;


Outside of competences voluntarily rendered to the USSR, the South Ossetian Soviet Democratic Republic is free in decision-making of its internal and foreign policy…

If the law or other legal acts of the USSR contradict to the sovereign rights and legal interests of the South Ossetia, the effect of such acts in the territory of South Ossetia shall be suspended by the supreme state power of the SOSDR and the appropriate decision shall be made by the relevant agency.


The SOSDR grants the state citizenship on its territory.

Every citizen of the SOSDR retains the citizenship of the USSR.


The state languages of the South Ossetian Soviet Democratic Republic are Ossetian, Georgian and Russian.

(…) The State security of the SOSDR shall be secured:

- internal security - by municipal formations of the militia and the Ministry of Interior of the USSR, state security - by principles of the peaceful co-existence, cooperation and non-interference in internal affairs of other States and people; in case of offence against South Ossetia the state security shall be protected by the military troops of the USSR where the soldiers from the SOSDR perform the military service.


The SOSDR, as a subject of the USSR and the subject to the International Law shall independently exercise foreign affairs in compliance to the agreements concluded on the basis of equality, mutual-respect and principles of non-interference in internal affairs of any other state.

The SOSDR shall have special relations with the North Ossetia.

Affirming the unity of history, culture, language and interests of the national development, these relations shall be based on priority of cultural and economic integration of the SOSDR and the North Ossetian ASSR (NOASSR).


SOSDR shall have its National Emblem, Flag and Anthem.


The principles of this Declaration of the State Sovereignty of the South Ossetian Soviet Democratic Republic shall be the basis for:

- admission to the USSR as an independent subject; adoption of Constitution and Laws of the SOSDR;

- determination of rights and competences of the SOSDR as an independent subject to the Union Treaty;

- participation in the Union Treaty.

20 September 1990

(Newspaper “Sovetskaia Ossetia”, # 193. 13 October 1990)